
YiWu International Trade software -English Version can be customized within 1 month



定制开发应用案例客户代表:BPA 义乌百事快国际贸易有限公司 Best Price Asia 义乌鹏派进出口有限公司

Software video demo

1.Introduction of Globalkey Trade Management System

2.How to place purchase order to the shop

3.How to make proforma invoice

4.Manage receivable and payable

5.How to make commecrcial invoice and packing list

界面: 产品编辑 Product Edit
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面:形式发票样例 Proforma Invoice
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面:采购订单样例 Purchase Order
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面:客户订金 Customer Deposit
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面:客户库存 Customer Inventory
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面: 拼箱入仓 LCL Warehousing
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面: 商业发票 Commercial Invoice
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面:装箱单 Packing List
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记
界面:托书 Shipping Order
演示: QQ洽谈 试用登记

功能模块 Function List: 专为义乌外贸公司及国外办理处量身定做的外贸软件,十年经验积累,细节考虑周到, 易用且高效

  1. Sales Management Quotation Process Proforma/Sales Contract/PI/SC Process Delivery and Docs Sales oppertunities Customers Products Sales Performance
  2. Purchase Management Inquiry Tasks Purchase Tasks Purchase Order Process Payment Request Suppliers Products Purchase report
  3. Approvement Management PI/SC Approval PO Approval Delivery and Docs Approval Delivery Qty Adjustment
  4. Finance Management Account Receivables and Payables Account Setting Expense Rembursement Customer Deposit Management
  5. Fiance Payment instruction to Export Agency Receivable List Payable List Chart of Accounts Money Transfer between Accounts
  6. Finance Journal List Finance Overview
  7. Finance Report - Money in (Receive Money) Money Out(Pay Money) Expense Rembursement Summary Income Statement / Profit and Loss
  8. Finance Report -Who owes me and whom I owe Categorized Accounts Summary Company Resourse
  9. Logistics Delivery and Docs Process Referring to PI/SC Referring to PO Delivery Qty Adjustment Export Agency
  10. Market Analysis Report-Sales Report-Currency Report-Customer Report-Customer Area Report-Products
  11. Warehouse Goods Receipt Notes Goods Issue Notes Preload Caculator Inventory Report Warehouse List
  12. Basic Data
  13. System Management Company Info User Management System Log
  14. Customer Online Online Orders Online User Management Proforma Invoice Customer Deposit Statement Inventory Report


  1. 国外大客户可通过系统在线选取产品并下订单,国内外贸公司或采买中心直接转化处理,并实时对帐及查阅库存和订单进展状态.
  2. 高效管理产品与供应 商和客户之间的关系,并据此快速报价,生成PO,PI及CI,PL,SHIPPING ORDER 报关单等相关单证.
  3. 可快速提升管理及业务处理效率,帮助公司管理进入良性发展的轨道.
  4. 数据存储在客户公司内网,公司机密信息自己掌控。经设置后经授权后员工也可远程访问,不受空间限制,随时可以远程办公.
  5. 员工之间配合有序,工作处理精准,客户满意度增加,工作效率会得到显著提高.
  6. 老板轻松掌握公司全局,带领公司快速发展.员工快乐工作,减少不必要的加班.
  7. 老板实时掌握员工工作情况及销售和采购数据,并随时分析公司的运营状况及盈利情况.